Thursday, January 7, 2010


I've been toying around with the idea of a new blog for a while now. Maybe the New Year gave me the motivation I needed. New Year. New Blog. Why "The Sufficiency of Grace" you ask?
2 Corinthians 12:9 (My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness) has been my mantra since Erik's death, and the title for the blog just seemed appropriate. In those few words God says, I will give you what you need. I am your help if you humble yourselves before me! I am what you need! Sufficient. Enough.

We all have unfulfilled desires, disappointments, hope deferred. Even my four year old can attest to that. Last week, the boys and I stayed downtown at the Marriott because we were at the annual Campus Crusade for Christ Christmas Conference. One morning Jensen woke up and crawled into bed with me. He started singing a song that he heard the worship band sing the night before, called "Your Grace is enough". In his sweet little four year old voice he sang, "Remember your children, Remember your people oh God. You're grace is enough for me". It was a beautiful moment. It seemed as if he was really singing it to God. Remember me God. Don't forget about me! Here I am! I need you!

I told him that God promises to help us and to give us what we need. He will be what we need. He looked at me in the eye and said in a soft tender voice, "I need daddy" The big lump in my throat was my response.

We all have needs. We all have longings. But I hope as you visit this blog, you will see that God's grace is sufficient. I pray that for you, for my children, for myself. He is the only one who can satisfy the longings in our hearts. And when life doesn't turn out the way we want it too, may we know that He indeed will be our help. His grace is sufficient!


  1. What an amazing start to your blog! I look forward to following it! :) What a precious, yet heart-wrenching moment in your hotel room!!

  2. Kel - So glad you put your blog on your fb profile so that I could find it :). And what a great way to start it. Your post is a beautiful reminder that His grace really is sufficient. It better be because it's all we've got!! Miss you, Shan

  3. Although we've never spent any real time together, I was so excited to see that you were starting a blog:) It's only the first entry and it has already brought tears to my eyes. What a sweet and honest statement from Jensen. Can't wait to read more...
    Angie Anderson

  4. Love it, Kelly! So looking forward to rejoicing and weeping with you through your blog! I so appreciate your honesty, humor and perspective!

    ~Teresa Brown

  5. Kel Bel-I love your new blog! We need to get you on Oprah before she calls it quits!
    Jensen is something special...maybe a bit like his sweet Daddy. Alex sure did get his Daddy's imagination and fun!
    You are amazing my friend. Love ya deb

  6. Praying for you and your boys today, Kelly!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh man Kelly, dear little Jensen! What a heart wrencher but also so neat to see his little heart process with the Lord. I am excited to continue reading about your lives on here. I feel like there are so many people in my life that this entry would encourage and it's just such great Truth to remember. Thanks.

  9. Thanks, Kelly. You are such an encourager and example. I can't wait to hear more and learn more from you on your blog. See you Thursday night for babysitting!


  10. Wow, I'm agreeing with the others in thinking this is quite a start to your new blog. It is amazing to look through the eyes of our young children and experience life, and all the joys and hurts it has to offer. So raw and present they are! Thank you for sharing that with us.
